Modern Slavery Statement

Statement on Modern Slavery from Health Partners

Modern slavery is defined as the illegal exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain.

Health Partners are committed to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and although we are not yet a ‘qualifying business’ (as we are below the minimum requirements of publicly reporting) we have produced the following statement to confirm our abhorrence of slavery, bonded labour, human trafficking or any other form of coerced labour in our own business and that of our supply chain. 

Health Partners are a provider of occupational health, physiotherapy, psychological health and specialist training services, based in the United Kingdom.  

We believe in the fundamental rights of individuals. We declare that we will not abide any compulsory working practices; bonded or forced labour; child labour; or modern slavery, in any aspect of our supply chain or business operations, as we believe in an individual’s fundamental rights at work, as defined by the ILO Declaration. 

We also comply with the requirements of the United Nations’ Global Compact and are externally audited to corporate social responsibility standards in various accreditations to ensure transparency and assure our Clients, their employees, or any other interested party of our commitment to these standards. 

We build relationships with our employees, Clients and business partners based on trust, respect, accountability, and professionalism. We wish to conduct all our business affairs with integrity, transparency, and honesty. 

Our ‘Business Ethics and Social Impact’ Policy sets out our commitment to assess and address the risks of violations of human trafficking and the modern slavery law. We have introduced other policies, procedures and mandatory training for all employees that contribute to ensuring modern slavery does not occur in our business or supply chain and we expect our business partners to adopt and enforce their own policies to comply with the legislation.

We have risk assessed our usage of business partners (supply chain) to minimise the risk in this area and where possible are providing services in-house so we have greater control.

Of the business partners we continue to work with, all must undergo specific due diligence on a regular basis before we will contract with them, which includes checking all human rights and working practices within their businesses and their own supply chain. 

Training in corporate social impact and responsibility, which includes modern slavery, forms part of every new employees’ induction and all existing staff are required to complete the training module on a regular basis too. 

This statement is approved by the Board of Health Partners.


Jac Crang

Governance Director
1st October 2021